Surprise, Surprise! The keys to resilience in your strategic initiatives

The only sure thing in any strategy initiative, or any other project, is, that – sooner or later – you will end up surprised.

Yet, not all surprises have to lead into veritable crises.

How people in your organization manage your surprises makes all the difference: whether you strategy work and your projects become resilient – or brittle.

After several years of research on the subject, we decided to condense our key learnings into a little Workbook.

This workbook helps you to explore why your organization is surprised in the first place, and how you can handle your surprises more effectively. By providing you with a framework for discussion, you can identify the barriers and enablers in your organization when it comes to noticing your surprise, drawing meaningful conclusions, responding appropriately, and finally learning a thing or two.

Surprises come in different shapes and sizes. Being able to not just deal with them, but leverage them, is a critical competitive advantage.

Surprises come in different shapes and sizes. Being able to not just deal with them, but leverage them, is a critical competitive advantage.

In the Workbook, we cover:

  1. The Foundations: What are suprises? How can we characterize them? What is the lifecycle of a surprise? And: Barriers and enablers of managing surprises constructively

  2. Workshop preparations: Design principles for workshops helping your team leverage surprises. Tips for facilitators (most likely: you)

  3. Surprise-to-competitive advantage workshops: The 4-step journey through the workshop. Exercise 1: Why are we surprised? Exercise 2: Understanding surprises. Exercise 3: Identifying our barriers & enablers to dealing with surprises. Exercise 4: Taking action and moving forward

  4. Workshop material and templates to print out as large as you can!

Do not let a good surprise go to waste!

Do not let a good surprise go to waste!

Working with your team on surprises and becoming more resilient is fun. Download the workbook now and get started!

Working with your team on surprises and becoming more resilient is fun. Download the workbook now and get started!


Stingl, V., Oehmen, J., & Wied, M. (2019). Surprise, Surprise! A workbook for finding the keys to resilience in your strategic initiatives. Technical University of Denmark.


Resilient Transformations


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